Love, Joy, Peace...

Johnny LarrabeeJohnny was raised in the home of pastor and missionary and has lived everywhere, from East Chicago to the Amazon rain forest. He has served as a youth pastor, music minister, and music teacher in Upstate South Carolina since completing Bible College in 1991. Johnny and his wife, Marguarite, have been ministering together, in various churches since 1994. They have two daughters, Josie and Bella. Johnny enjoys music, hiking, and spending time with friends and family.

Melissa GibsonMel grew up in a Christian home and school in Minnesota. Then she came down here for further Christian schooling in Greenville, obtaining degrees in Creative Writing and Dramatic Production. Currently she works for BJU Press overseeing video production work for hundreds of educational videos every year. She has experience in nursery, children’s, and women’s ministries. She sings whether or not there’s a stage and a microphone, and she serves where she sees a need she can fill. Because of His great love, His work for and in us through Christ, she loves God and is always seeking to know and love Him better as she serves.

Nancy ParochelliNancy is married to Lou and has four adult children and nine grandkids and a few grand cats! Originally from Chicago, she has attended Edgewood for the past two years. She enjoys the laid-back yet doctrinally-sound atmosphere at the church. She helps to organize events and has a passion for gospel seeds to be planted in the community, including the ministry of Edgewood’s “Bark Park”. She is also one of our Kids Church teachers. Nancy enjoys swimming, gardening and too much coffee.

Bob NormanBob is a retired pastor having served nearly 40 years in various churches. His last pastorate was at Edgewood! He is a native of Florida and has two sons. His giving spirit and willingness to do anything asked of him makes him a great asset to Edgewood.

Marguarite LarrabeeMarguarite is the pastor's wife. They have been married 27 years and have been doing various types of ministries together since working in a youth group together. Part of their ministry included years as a foster family, loving multiple kids and working with their biological families. Marguarite and Johnny see God's hand in leading them to Edgewood. These days Marguarite's "day" job is working as a teacher's aide in a Christian school, but in a previous stage of life she worked for 14 years at a veterinary clinic doing everything from grooming to office manager. This was perfect for a church that has a dog park ministry! Marguarite and Johnny have two daughters and multiple pets. (Johnny says no to the zoo) In any free time the family loves outdoor activities.

Marie LuceyMarie grew up in a little town of Selkirk, NY just outside of Albany.  She graduated in 1985 from S.U.N.Y. Cobleskill with an associates degree in Business Administration.  She met her husband, David, in 1996.  They married the following year and lived near Saratoga Springs, NY until 2014 when God led them to Taylors, SC.  She has 2 sons, one of which serves in the US Navy and is currently stationed in Iwakuni, Japan.  She sings on the worship team along with her younger son who plays drums on the team.  Marie is the office manager for Parthenon Marble Products in Greenville.  When not working, she enjoys hanging out with family and friends